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SilencerCo Smith & Wesson M&P Threaded Barrels
SilencerCo Smith & Wesson M&P Threaded Barrels
MSRP: $169.00
Sale Price: $143.95
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The only thing better than a normal pistol barrel is a threaded pistol barrel. All pistol silencers require one.

Holding to the same commitment to quality as all SilencerCo products, their threaded barrels are tough enough to hold up under the harshest conditions.

All barrels Include a custom thread protector.

S&W® M&P® — 9MM 1/2″–28 (AC2023) | 4.9″ length
S&W® M&P® — 45ACP .578″–28 (AC2024) | 5.1″ length
S&W® M&P SHIELD® — 9MM 1/2″–28 (AC2290) | 3.5″ length

M&P9 (AC2023)
9MM1/2x281:10RH416R StainlessBlack NitrideNone
M&P45 (AC2024)
.578x281:16LH416R StainlessBlack NitrideNone
M&P Shield 9 (AC2290)
9MM1/2x281:10RH416R StainlessBlack NitrideNone